Whenever the "liberal media" of the most free press in the world gets around to reporting it, heads in Reichwingnuttia, will be exploding everywhere when they find out that the American Medical Association has endorsed socialized medicine.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association, I am writing to express our appreciation and support for H.R. 3200, the “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.” This legislation includes a broad range of provisions that are key to effective, comprehensive health system reform. We urge members of the House Education and Labor, Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means Committees to favorably report H.R. 3200 for consideration by the full House.
I want to see tv ads saying "Doctors support the House plan" by TONIGHT! But it won't happen as everybody knows that the AMA is, and always has been a bunch of socialistic, terrorist doctors.

Obviously commie bullshit cuz only 70% of Americans support it.
The 30% opposition includes Bush, Nixon and Palin supporters, and you know what that means.
Call me skeptical, but I'm suspicious of the AMA's relatively easy support of a bill like this - - it has all the appearance of a ploy to make it seem like it's really a substantial bill, but in reality it might actually be something inconsequential... a public relations gimmick/stall tactic. It doesn't make political sense that a long time foe of real, effective universal health care would 'cave' this quickly IF it was really something good for the public. There just doesn't seem to have been enough of a 'threat' (ie; like serious introductions of single-payer bills) to the AMA to have them do something like this...
I'm with Big Em on the skepticism front. Though I haven't read enough about HR 3200, on first listen it sounds a lot like the Massachusetts plan. Everybody has to get health care and no caps on what insurance companies can charge? It's pretty punitive for those who still feel they can't afford insurance. I think it also threw the state's budget off-course. And reading this article:
it seems that Mass. is short-changing hospitals in reimbursements and are starting to kick people off their own insurance roles.
IF HR 3200 is at all modeled on the Mass. Plan, you've gotta think it's a disaster in the offing for the country--though really damned good for those insurance companies ... yet again.
And I'm with big em and boukman70. The AMA's membership is an older, more conservative slice of the America's physicians and not representative of the profession as a whole. If the AMA has embraced something this quickly, it MIGHT be a good bill (I'm not familiar with its details), but I'd certainly check first.
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