Former GOP Congressmen accuse republicans of putting Rush Lim party above Constitution.
Speaking at a panel on congressional oversight powers, two former Republican members of Congress have accused their GOP colleagues of putting party politics over the Constitution during the Bush years, arguing that they failed dramatically to check the White House's use of executive powers.
Former Reps. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) and Chris Shays (R-Conn.) made the argument that if the Republican-controlled Congress had exhibited greater oversight during George W. Bush's time in office, they could have prevented some of the most calamitous results of that administration and even saved thousands of lives.
Edwards was even more critical. He mocked members of Congress when it came to flexing their constitutional oversight authority. In particular, he lamented the House Republican lawmakers' unified opposition to holding hearings to investigate the firing of U.S. Attorneys by the Bush White House.
Former Reps. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) and Chris Shays (R-Conn.) made the argument that if the Republican-controlled Congress had exhibited greater oversight during George W. Bush's time in office, they could have prevented some of the most calamitous results of that administration and even saved thousands of lives.
Edwards was even more critical. He mocked members of Congress when it came to flexing their constitutional oversight authority. In particular, he lamented the House Republican lawmakers' unified opposition to holding hearings to investigate the firing of U.S. Attorneys by the Bush White House.
NOW they say something. Sigh.

Of course they're correct about the Repukes unwavering support of W & the Cheney administration, but -- in true Republican hypocritical fashion -- I'd be willing to bet that if you look through the last 8 yrs, that these two guys ALSO were 'staunch supporters' of virtually all things W ! They just either have some minor remorse or -- more likely -- see the prevailing political winds shifting and want to jump-ship before it sinks.
Remorse? Or simply trying to distance themselves from teh Party of FAIL in preparation for their next grab of political power?
I don't think the entire Republican Party is capable of a single molecule of remorse, the fuckwads.
I agree with the politicalcat. No remorse, they just lie about what happened and shout down anyone who points out their hypocrisies. It simply amazes me how they get away with leaving out facts, brushing over facts and out and out lying every day on cable news.
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