July 1, 2009

Outer Wingnuttia has Officially Went Off the Edge

Seriously, these carbon based humanoid units have are fucking insane. Watch the misfiring of multiple neurons.


Cirze said...

You do realize that none of this matters in the slightest, don't you?

I mean, I love your outrage, but they know they've already won, and are just making a point now - thrusting in the knife as deeply as possible (and making absolutely crazy the witless fools who think Obama is their man).

Not that I don't wish it weren't true myself (another witless fool here), but it's fairly evident from the lightning-fast bankster sell out that these people rule and will rake in the millions during the next 4 or 8 years of Obama's reign (and the Saudis using the bin Ladens and bin Mahfouzes are always in control).

Read Russ Baker's Family of Secrets if you don't believe me (before it disappears from the shelves).

And rock on! (Just hope the CIA doesn't come calling first.)


P.S. I've put more than a few hints in my blog for those "readers" who are interested in actually what is happening now.

P.P.S. Wouldn't it be great if Obama really doesn't know? If we only have a President who is being misled?

Anonymous said...

Don't they know that the US has not been attacked on Obama's watch?

What an ass.

Kafka said...

I saw that too and thought the same thing- this guy truly isn't all there. It gives me a little hope though that if this is the type of guy they hire at CIA than maybe we don't have much to fear. I can't picture him running his own life, let alone orchestrating a coup.