July 24, 2009

Poll: dip's favorability dips to 40%

A new ABC News-WaComPo poll finds that 53 percent of 'Merica-hatin' 'Mericans view Sarah Palin as an attention-whoring dimwit who doesn't have what it takes to lead or breathe without post-it note reminders stuck to her clothes.

Alaska's soon-to-be-ex-governor loses ground among Republicans, white evangelicals.

A majority of Americans, including some republicans, hold a negative view of the imbecilic bumpkin, and there is broad public doubt about her leadership skills and understanding of complex issues, presenting problems for her political future.
Suck it, pukes.


Capt. Bat Guano said...

What's that ticking sound? Oh yeah, it's her 15 minutes of fame clock counting the last seconds of her relevance. Thank fucking Jebus.

thesmoots said...

she may be losing ground but I'm afraid her ego will not let her fall out of the public eye for long. She'll find something to keep her in the news, no matter who it hurts.

Riverman said...

Sad but true from Vanity Fair