July 15, 2009

Poor, persecuted Palin

The GOP embraces the culture of victimhood, five-alarm douchebaggery.

When Sarah Palin quit two weeks ago it was after a series of strange, petty bouts with her detractors. Many "frivolous ethics violations" had been alleged against her, she noted. David Letterman had told an ugly joke about her daughter. A blogger had posted something that was probably not true. Someone had photoshopped a radio talker's face onto a picture of her baby -- a "malicious desecration" of the image, in the words of Ms. Palin's spokeswoman.

Team Palin got duly indignant at each of these. They took special, detailed offense. They issued statements magnifying their wounds. And, finally, the governor resigned her office, a good woman cruelly wronged...

Indeed, if political figures stand for ideas, victimization is what Ms. Palin is all about. It is her brand, her myth. Ronald Reagan stood tall. John McCain was about service. Barack Obama has hope. Sarah Palin is a collector of grievances. She runs for high office by griping.

Cool. The best part? Its from a piece in the East Coast out-of-touch liberal elite drive-by media site the Wall Street Journal. Yeah, that Wall Street Journal. And, as usual, the replies from freetardrebooblic are hysterical:

rino press.

No bias here move along nothing to see.

Is there no end to these peoples lies?

ESAD, babies.


Farley said...

ESAD = eat sh*t and die?

big em said...

For a Repuke presidential aspirant NOT to have the support of the WSJ essentially means you are NOT a Repuke presidential aspirant -- you are just some nut-case/also-ran.

Jeff said...

Celebrity math:
Anita Bryant + Richard Nixon - Henry Kissinger = Sarah Palin

Lex Alexander said...

[[She runs for high office by griping]]

Uh, no. (The commonly used phrase "legitimate gripe" exists for a reason.) She runs for high office by WHINING.

ThePoliticalCat said...

I'd rather have them ESAL. Try forgetting the taste of THAT, babies. What a bunch of whiny cryfucks these Republitards are.