July 9, 2009

Syph-ridden tranny oozing again

Herpes-infested skank mAnn Coulter at towndump.com phones in an imaginary conversation with a "liberal" (Cunter's stuff in boxes):

Sarah Palin has deeply disappointed her enemies. People who hate her guts feel she's really let them down by resigning. She's like the ex-girlfriend they're SO over, never want to see again, have already forgotten about -- really, it's O-ver -- but they just can't stop talking about her.

{Oh, gee, why does that sound so fucking familiar? But... but... Bill Clinton!}
Just like the drooling, like totally non-sexist dittospanks on the right. Oh, and we don't hate her. We think she's a laugh-riot. Everytime she goes on the air she just continues to prove how completely imbecilic you all are for supporting her.

Liberal: Ha, ha ... Sarah who? She's over, she's toast, a future Trivial Pursuit answer, nothing more.

Lim-bot: Wuh? Them evil libs are trashing Sarah again!!!!1! That Stain guy sitting in for Rush is gonna be so pissed!!!11!!

Normal person: Whatever. How about the North Korean missiles?

Lim-bot: Oooh, them guys on Fox are ripping into Demoncrats for ripping into Sarah!!1!! OK, now Hussein Obama is destroying th' country! Heh, they just said Pelosi got more botox! That Spanish chick of Osama's a racist! How come they're not talkin' bout the teabagging parties??!? Yeah, Obama is anti-Christian for nixing a military flyover at a religious event! Why does he hate our troops? Hey, that blonde anchor is hot! She wuz on Glenn Beck last night talking about how that Muslim's destroying America. Oh, hey, new poll: Should Michael Jackson be the butter sculpture at the Iowa State Fair? Let's freep it!

Liberal: Can you believe she just resigned the governorship like that? What a quitter!

Lim-bot: She didn't quit, she's taking a freedom-leave to concentrate on the future of the country! You're just trashing her 'cause she's hot!

Normal person: Speaking of quitting, how's work?

'Normal person' who ISN'T a figment of the insane harpy's imagination: You wouldn't know a normal person if one came up to you and kicked you in the balls, fuckwit. Here, let me illustrate... No? Sure, the economy sucks -- thanks to eight years of your asshole buddies being in charge and running everything into the ground. President Obama has been in office a mere six months. And as for the North Korean missiles, let me just say bwaaaaaaa! Nice try.

Liberal: Did you hear she might get a TV show? There's no way Sarah Palin's getting a TV show! No way! I can't believe stupid Sarah Palin could get her own stupid TV show now. Well, I'm sure not gonna watch it -- that's for sure!

Lim-bot: Well, I am!!! She'll be great! She'll be better'n Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly combined!1!!!

'Normal' liberal person: Sigh. Will she use a teleprompter so she doesn't sound so fucking stupid?

Normal person: Have you seen all the Michael Jackson coverage on TV?

Exactly. And John and Kate, whoever they are, and whatever else idiots like your knuckledragging followers watch when they're not getting brainwashed by the gpuke propaganda nutwork.

The truth is liberals are furious they won't have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore.

Ummm, she may not be a governor any more, but she'll be around for a long while, I'm sure. C*nt.


Dutch said...

A liberal friend of mine sent the Coulter article to me from Townhall.com and the damn thing froze up my browser. Even Firefox understands she's evil.

Chris Vosburg said...

Miss Ann Coulter of the Nutmeg State writes:The truth is liberals are furious they won't have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore.

Well, since I'm laughing too hard, I'm not feeling particularly furious, but in any case, I think we'll have Sarah Palin, and Ann Coulter as well, to kick around until long after their respective sell-by dates. Ann is actually well past it now, and a bit, shall we say, shopworn.

In Ann's case, since she lacks grace, it can only get better for those of us already laughing our asses off at everything she writes. Twenty years from now, she'd be an even scarier looking harpy than she is now, but, let's face it: she is unlikely to last another twenty years.

Dead of undisclosed causes (ahem, overdose) in five years.
