Conservatards who think Obama's gonna take away their guns show up at his town halls.
The difference between Dem supporters and Fascist Rethug supporters? Libs don't take fucking guns to an opposition rally:
There were men carrying guns outside the Phoenix Convention Center Monday morning during President Barack Obama’s visit, but no arrests were made, according to Phoenix Police.People were arrested at Stupie Von Pretzelnut's apperances for wearing a "dangerous" T-shirt or for having an offensive bumper sticker.
The Phoenix Police originally said three persons were spotted with guns in downtown Phoenix near Obama's appearance and later upped that count to 12. Police officials, whp were expecting some armed demonstrators, said one man was carrying an assault rifle.
It is not illegal to carry guns openly in Arizona, but police kept close tabs on the men, said spokesman Andy Hill.
Obama spoke at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention at the center Monday. Protesters in downtown Phoenix focused on the health care reform debate.
Security was heightened but not intense in downtown Phoenix during the president’s visit.
A fucking ASSAULT RIFLE?????
These fucktards think they are patriots.
The join the Army , you penile challenged pencil dicked button hole carrot whackers!

No, no, no. These fucktards think they are Minutemen, living in the 18th Century. Taking advantage of their Minuteman rights.
Yeah... bring guns to a debate on health-care... THAT'S really a relevant action! Dumb-fucks. Somebody should throw a firecracker in the center of them and watch them shoot each other.
It may not be illegal for these cerebral-cortex challenged nits to bring guns to rallies, but since when doesn't the Secret Service have absolute say over who, with what, can be anywhere near the president. And it's not a question of whether or not I support either the pres or his health plan, it's wondering whether the SS is showing what they think of the current president. Which, if true, sucks.
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