August 24, 2009


STEPHANOPOULOS: That's not in the bill.
MCCAIN: Wharrrgarrbl
STEPHANOPOULOS: I don't think that's correct, Senator.
MCCAIN: Wharrrrrgarrrrbl
STEPHANOPOULOS: But that's not a death panel.
MCCAIN: Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Partisan asshat John McCain joins the "government healthcare will kill you" brigade. Forgets to mention he’s had government healthcare since turned 18.

MCCAIN: Well, I think that what we are talking about here is do -- are we going to have groups that actually advise people as these decisions are made later in life and …

STEPHANOPOULOS: That's not in the bill.

MCCAIN: But -- it's been taken out, but the way that it was written made it a little bit ambiguous.
It’s not in there any more, it’s gone, but while it was in there it could have possibly meant government death squads goosestepping up to your door. Maybe. If you’re a partisan paranoic Rushbot, that is.

Touchhole. In a related story, prior to the election McCain said he had a plan to capture bin Laden. Well? What’s he waiting for? Does he hate America?


ArchieG said...

McCain has had govmit health care his entire life. He was born (in Panama, not on US soil!) into a Navy family.

Anonymous said...

McCain had gov't healthcare from the time he was born (in a place that renders him ineligible for the Presidency - the Panama Canal Zone) his father was an admiral.

jadedj said...

Hey Mc, it was taken out, but you are correct, the way it was written was to include all old ass ex-presidential candidates, and if it passes, that will be written back in at the last moment, and your sorry, lying ass will be soylent green...which I AM NOT EATING, just in case that old thing about eating one's enemies is true. Go back to Panama, you moron.

Chris Vosburg said...

prior to the election McCain said he had a plan to capture bin Laden.

Oh, well. That's good.

Anonymous said...

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Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
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Obat Kelamin Keluar Nanah
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Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
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Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah