August 8, 2009

Obama's gonna kill my baby!!

Just when you thought it couldn't get any stupider, Sarah Failin opens her piehole:

'The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.'
It's waaayyy to early in the morning to have to deal with shit like this. Good grief. Instead of talking out her ass, wouldn't it be more productive if she had actually READ the bill? Become informed? Make suggestions? Instead, she listens to Rep. Michele Bachmann, of all people, one of the biggest fucking loonies on the planet. Wtf???


Capt. Bat Guano said...

Sarah, if your level of productivity in society is the arbiter of who lives and dies I would of put a cap in your ass and in the ass of every cash grabbing middle man on Wall ST.

big em said...

When we've got a SIGNIFICANT segment of the US population listening/watching/reading pure right-wing propaganda/fantasy sources like Fox 'News', O'Reilly & associates, WSJ editorials, Rush & other squawk-radio 'personalities', AND we've got the MSM too often cowed by the wealthy right-wing owners & friends, AND we've got irrational sources of info from the fundamental religious side, then it DOES start to look bleak for any transition to a peaceful, orderly, caring society. Maybe we will get a kind of 'End Days' that the religious nut-jobs are always going on about, only it won't come from any magical sky-gods, it'll be entirely human-based in origin.

jadedj said...

Loony is as loony does. Unfortunately these fools are imploding and taking the rest of us with them.

Tim said...

I hear old Sarah left office to write her memoirs. Some say that she's doing with a ghost writer. I can vouch that she's writing it all by herself. It's done in crayon.

Q said...

Well, if she stopped popping out these defective babies, they wouldn't get dragged before the Obama death panel.

After all, nobody expects the Obama death panel Inquisition.

Sator Arepo said...

Death Panel is so the new name of my new metal band.

thesmoots said...

I'm with big em, the network news has these nut jobs on air constantly. Even CNN leans to the right most days, no matter how stupid they sound they give them much more air time and just go along with them leaving out the important parts and out right lying. How anyone can believe the crap they spout I don't get. I called them stupid the other day and my wife said they just don't know any better, so I said "Being that ignorant is stupid". Ignoring hate mongering should be a no-brainer but obviously that's what we have. As Bill Maher said, America is stupid, it's been dumbing itself down for 40 years. Why it's popular to be ignorant I've never understood.