August 15, 2009

Photo-crashing squirrel gets around

I lurve this little varmint:

Next: globe-trotting critter chews Karl Rove's nuts off in prison
. More pics here!


jadedj said...

I saw him at one of the town hall meetings, sans his pistol.

Chris Vosburg said...

How they were able to resist inserting the squirrel into the phony photo of that tourist on the roof of the WTC with approaching airliner in background, I'll never know...

thesmoots said...

and just in - Sarah Palin dons squirrel suit, gets more face time in front of the American public.

Anonymous said...

Che un bel post. Adoro leggere questi tipi o articoli. Posso? T aspettare di vedere ciò che altri hanno da dire.

Anonymous said...

Very nice indeed I’ll probably download it. Thanks.