August 6, 2009

Senior moment

Rep. Gene Green (D-TX), rolling his eyes: “this ‘Soylent Green’ thing can’t come a moment too soon.” Digby:

Conservative propaganda has convinced much of the public that a government-run program isn't run by the government.

During the town hall, one conservative activist turns to his fellow attendees and asks them to raise their hands if they “oppose any form of socialized or government-run health care.” Almost all the hands shot up.

Rep Green quickly turned the question on the audience and asked, “How many of you have Medicare?” Nearly half the attendees raised their hands, failing to note the irony.


big em said...

"The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Euraiea as short a time as four years ago... All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control' they called it; in Newspeak, doublethink' "
"1984", pg 32,by G.Orwell
Published 1949

There's several other eerie parallels/commentaries that seem positively prescient in their relationship to the Neocon audience of today, but I suggest people read them for themselves. Try pgs 155, 159-165, for instance.

BadTux said...

At least there was just disrespect at this meeting, albeit stupidity abounded. The Tampa meeting had to be cancelled after a GOP riot erupted into violence.

Which is good news, actually. It means we've won. The GOP thinks violence will turn Congressmen against reform, but that did not work in 1957 in Little Rock when it was violence against desegregation, and will not work today. All it does is disgust the majority of the American people, who look at this and say "I refuse to be part of any agenda that condones such a thing."

- Badtux the Righteous Penguin

thesmoots said...

I noticed that CNN's grade the pres thing had a grade for the rethug's. They scored a d- overall I believe but most states showed an F. They're loud but not too well liked. It just scares me that people still vote them into congress, although congress scored a D also.

bigdog said...

If people are that stupid, fuck em, let them get sick and die.

shartheheretic said...

That's easy to say bigdog, but the fact is if they succeed a LOT of people who agree with health care reform will also continue to get sick and die.

These people (the majority anyway) are retirees with Medicare. They HAVE insurance, and are not going to be in danger of being without coverage.

Grung_e_Gene said...

You know what other Socialism I hate? This bloated big government military! What is up with that? The military is a bankrupt organization which subsists on the taxpayer dime!

It should only be funded by loot and plunder and receive no Big Government assistance!