August 26, 2009

Stay classy, Amerikkka

Rightwingnut mob boos John McCain for stating that Obama 'respects the Constitution of the United States.'

[Yesterday] in a town hall forum in Arizona, an elderly woman asked Sen. McCain whether President Obama [-- a Constitutional Law scholar -- ] knows “that we still live under a Constitution.”
WTF? Just how have your constitutional rights been violated, asswipe?
To his credit, McCain distanced himself from the questioner’s claim, saying “I’m sure that he does.” He then added that Obama “respects the Constitution of the United States,” at which point the crowd broke out in loud boos. But McCain stood firm, explaining that there’s just a “fundamental difference in philosophy and about the role of government.” “I am convinced the president is absolutely sincere in his beliefs,” he said, again eliciting boos and jeers from the crowd.
Nice. Good Christians all, I’m sure. And where were these idiots when the Dictator-tot and his cronies were pissing all over it and calling the Constitution “just a Goddamn piece of paper”? On Planet Asshole? Fuckheads.

As someone once said on the internets, calling them ‘scumbuckets’ does a disservice to buckets filled with scum.


jadedj said...

My apologies to buckets of spit everywhere. Spitbuckets.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maru,

Classy to put this story up.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Let Texas secede, get the 20 30 peeps that don't suck outta there and than pay assholes like that ignorant old bitch to move there. And then like Raygunz "joked" about USSR, "The bombs will start dropping in five minutes"....

big em said...

Maru, thanks again for pointing out the blatent hypocrisy of these assholes who FANTASIZE a disbelief in the Constitution by Obama - vs - ignore an actual DOCUMENTED statement by their fuckhead "W" angrily dismissing and diminishing the Constitution. And of course this doesn't even get into the actual ACTIONS of both presidents.

Anonymous said...

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Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Kencing Nanah Ampuh
Obat Kelamin Keluar Nanah
Ciri Ciri Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
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Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah