Fiscal conservatard and family-values watchdog Mark Sanford told to resign the governorship in the wake of his scandalous, taxpayer-fueled jaunts to visit his mistress in Argentina.
Republican state lawmakers on Tuesday met with disgraced South Carolina Gov. Sanford, under fire for an extramarital affair and questionable {“Questionable”?? It’s all on paper! WTF?? – Ed.} spending, and told him to resign -- but the governor rejected their advice."We wouldn't presume to guess what our fellow republicans in the House Judiciary Committee may or may not decide to do," said Sanford spokesman Ben Pox. "But we do know that there are real issues facing South Carolina tied to economic development and spending – areas where we’ve had plenty of experience.”
Sanford ally Rep. Nathan Ballentine told CNN that he and Rep. Gerry Simrill had a private talk with the governor for about 40 minutes and warned him that unless he steps down, House Republicans would likely impeach him.
Update: the SC lieutenant governor will also ask Sanford to step down, says his spokesman.
... economic development and spending – areas where we’ve had plenty of experience.
Isn't that why they want to impeach him?
He probably won't quit because he 'still has things to accomplish' - - like loot the rest of the state's treasury and bone a few thousand more women (excluding his wife). Ya gotta have goals, doncha ya know...
right marko. they need you too bad for you to quit.
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