September 30, 2009

"DIE FAST!!!!!!" said the rethug to the sick old woman!!!!

You guys want a hero??>?

are we all just rather suffering some disillusionment here???

Is OUR MARU disheartened and posting lightly???

YES! YES!! YES!!!!!!!!!

Tis true. we are disheartened and trying not to acknowledge some ongoing depression resulting from a resurgence of HOPE to a whole lot of the same ol' being kicked around and in the teeth same ol'.

I have been meaning to address this, but couldn't find the words, wasn't sure if I should even breach the subject,,,,,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,,,we are all RATHER BUMMMMED here.......or so it seems.

Let me just speak for self, but I THINK I may have company here..............

I worked my arse, substantial and cute as it is, OFF for Obi last fall. I worked, i phoned, i passed out pamphlets and bumper stickers and I actually tolerated the old women down at dem headquarters who have been there for friggin more years than my own here on Earth, and I learned to love them, Obi supporters and HillNoner's each and every one!!!!!

And it worked! We wanted Obi to help us out of the Bush Years fiasco, and we WON AND GOT IT.

THEN, a horrific thing happened. We got MORE OF BUSH.

Obi kept Bushies on board, in the cabinet, in the posts, in agencies, in MY DOJ, the secretly buried moles, EVERYWHERE!!!!, and not only that, he HIRED on other Bushies and CONTINUED BUSH'S POOH-LICIES!!!!

to my horror.

AND here i sit. still mustering something referred to as "hope".... getting my political wishes ass kicked and being LOYAL TO MY PRESIDENT cause I chose to believe his campaign wordz.........
and trying to pay my bills, my recent heart attack medical expenses, fill out my no health care insurance forms and deal with my recent unemployment...................

that's ALL TRUE, the above, btw.

and i am STILL struggling to be LOYAL to TJ and his ideals and the dreams of our founders while the idiots who own the media cry out for "WANTING THEIR COUNTRY BACK...!" and threaten the very life of our elected president with NO CONSEQUENCES, WHILE Bu$hCo limited FREE SPEECH, GOT THE BIG OK TO SPY ON US AND LIED US INTO A WAR!!!!!!!!!!


is this MY country, or a wild bull upon which i sat while drunk and trying to find a toity?????

i dunno, but I'm about ready to take to a street near me AND YOU.
How bout' you?


Chris Vosburg said...

[sigh] Siri, the wheels of any bureaucracy turn slowly, and the feddle gummint is a bureaucracy and as an extraordinarily large one, the wheels turn all the slower.

Much of the damage Bush did to our country will be felt for years to come, and in a lot of cases, he rang bells that simply can't be unrung.

In short, have faith, and patience. Obama will not make everything swell. He won't fix it wihout pain and sacifice. Accept it.

But withdrawal from Iraq is taking place, as is the emptying of Guantanamo. The economic stimulus efforts are beginning to bear fruit, and the US has renewed a relationship with the other UN countries that had been badly hurt by the previous administration.

We may yet get through this. But it's gonna hurt, and it's gonna be slow.

Anonymous said...

Harumph. 'Amen,' I say, to Siri's comments, inspirational attitude, and steadfast willingness to speak kick-ass bitchin truth to power.

Scotch, red wine (dry) and amber ale: weapons against lunacy.

thesmoots said...

The death-eaters are always out there with their barely hidden credo that there is no good or evil, only those with the will to seize power. We of the faithful MUST stand together behind the few who will try, try, try to bring this country kicking and screaming into the 21st century. One of the many things needed are sites like this so that the little people like me are reminded that there are others, many others who see the evil cloud that builds just over the horizon and will fight to keep the death-eaters from forcing all of us to live in fear and poverty. Now if only Dumbledore could find his wand...

Anonymous said...

Old 50s/60s activist here...'ya gotta realize that we are trying to change over 10,000 years of myths, lies, ignorance, predjudice,racism, sexism, etc ad nauseum...gonna take a LONG time...gonna take ALOT of love...gonna take the WHOLE WORLD...buckle up's gonna be a bumpy ride!!! Keep on chooglin'!

Anonymous said...

Take heart - since I started listening to Randi Rhodes on the interweb radio I have thought her take on things was sometimes 'out there'....then her predictions came true. Take heart. She understands the political process and when she says there is a bigger plan and strategy at work here, based on her track record, I believe her. She's the only voice out there giving me some hope. Give a listen, have two martinis and call me in the morning.

siri said...

i love the readers and other contributor's on this site!
Thanks and kudos all!!!

Chris Vosburg said...

Incidentally, since you concentrate on the disappointing turns in health care reform-- and I'll tell you now that anything short of single payer simply means we'll be back here reforming again in an election cycle or two-- check out Brad Reed's pieces on the clusterfuck that is health care in the US, and how it is inherently near-impossible to change.

Lotta work.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where to begin, Maruth. We have politicians ruling for the corporation and screwing us average-joes. Then we have the idiots who don't know what the hell they're talking about (and those mis-spelled signs at the Town Hall gatherings). Every person in power has so much money, and they seem to become more greedy by the day. Then, on the other hand, we have people who know how to work the system. Those people sit on their assess, watching TV, and cash in their welfare checks. Another baby? Great! More in the next check! So, what do we do to balance the greed and sloths? I don't know. I don't think we'll ever see our country back to "normal" in our lifetime. Sorry to be such a downer.

Chris Vosburg said...

Come on, Pollyanna, turn that frown upside down. I said-- Turn it-- TURN IT--

Anonymous said...

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Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
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Obat Kelamin Keluar Nanah
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Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah

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