The Repuglican Party is impossible to deal with: a Duh! Magazine exclusive --
[Democratic] Party leaders do not act with any sense of urgency even though the world recognizes America is in a free-fall. Our house is on fire, but the firefighters are more concerned with their personal appearance and uniforms. And, crazily, they’re concerned how best to get along with the guys that ignited the fire.…Exactly. Get with it already, you spineless idiots! More here.
The problem isn’t with the GOP campaign operatives who lie, cheat, steal, hack voting machines, eliminate and intimidate minority voters, and storm and burglarize offices, etc. The problem is with the Democratic Party. How many more decades will we have to suffer as a nation waiting for them to smell the coffee?

Yet another EXCELLENT link! He's summarized the Repukes excellently! About my only minor disagreement with him is when he says the "Democratic idealism gets in the way of reality..." in dealing with the Repukes. I'm coming to believe that today's Dems -- or at least their leaders -- are more cynical than that, and they know that most traditional Dem voters are going to stay with them because they don't perceive that they have a palatable alternative. The Dems are like dance partners with the Repukes (never mind that the Dems are dancing a minuet while the R's are slam-dancing) and they're both paying entry to the dance-club run by the wealthy of America.
Big Em, wanna be a contributor?
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