October 2, 2009

God bless America

To help the US win the 2016 Olympics bid, Republicans put politics aside to join the Preside… oh, screw it.

"If they knew what brand of toothpaste he uses, they'd be against it," said Dennis Goldford, a political scientist at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. "It's like the old song that said, 'Whatever it is, I'm against it.' If Obama said the sun came up in the east, somebody would show up with a study arguing against it."
The Fox Noise attack machine smears Chicago as a violent city unsuitable for the Olympics, blasts the President’s efforts to bring the venue to the US, and suggests that he’s indulging in some kind of quid pro quo political mob-boss payback thing in doing so.

I mean, really – how fucking low can you people go? You’re beginning to sound like a bad parody of yourselves.

Update: the committee decided to go with Rio (no surprise), and the rightwingnuts are ECSTATIC. What the fuck is wrong with them? THEY are the Hate America First crowd. More later.


Fixer said...

You know why they're ecstatic? Because they'll all jet to go on 'junkets' to 'promote America' at the Olympics and find a good excuse to leave the wives at home. I can't wait to hear the news about some Rethug Republican getting caught with a couple tranny hookers riding him like a rented mule.

Chris Vosburg said...

"It's like the old song that said, 'Whatever it is, I'm against it.'

Groucho Marx as "Professor Wagstaff," Horsefeathers, Paramount (1932).

Chris Vosburg said...

Fixer writes: Because they'll all jet to go on 'junkets' to 'promote America' at the Olympics

Where exactly are these Olympics that you speak of?

Fixer said...


LanceThruster said...

My guess is that the Reich Wing is always supportive of the opportunity to travel to locales with a ready supply of affordable underage prostitutes of both sexes (added bonus - should the need or desire arise, can be "disappeared" without a lot of fuss - or included in the package as a kind of "Hostel" experience).