October 28, 2009


Shepard Smith apologizes for "lack of balance" on his Fox Noise show.

Fux blonde mannequin #7 Shannon Bream was covering the campaign for governor in New Jersey when she snagged an interview with Republican candidate Chris Christie, but when Smith asked her when she would interview the Democratic candidate and current Governor, Jon Corzine, Bream replied, "We have in multiple requests, and when it comes in, we'll let you know."

Smith was not happy to hear that: "Wow. I didn't know that was about to happen. My apologies for the lack of balance there. If I'd had control it wouldn't have happened."


One Fly said...

Screw him.

Call him by name and the neighbors dogs are liable show up wanting to play chase.

thesmoots said...

uh huh, yep. Sure, sure. Fair and balanced we are, yep, that's us.

Distributorcap said...

he works for them - he is part of their "team" - apologies aint accepted