Your "liberal media" shows a lack objectivity and typical liberal bias with a headline that would make Fox, Pravda and al Jazeera envious. Head line for the following story:
Cheney told FBI he had no idea who leaked Plame ID
The whole article tell a different story:
In the interview whose participants included federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, Cheney told agents that he did not recall having a conversation about either Plame or her husband with Bush.Well of course he didn't recall anything EXCEPT the fact that he didn't do anything wrong. So naturally, the headline should reflect the only Fucking thing he "could recall."
The vice president said he probably discussed Wilson with Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, but told the FBI he would not have talked to Rove about Wilson's wife.
Cheney's denials that he talked about Plame are among the few things in the lengthy interview with the FBI that Cheney appeared certain about. He repeatedly said he could not recall key events. Among them, he said he did not recall discussing Wilson's wife with Libby before her CIA employment was publicly revealed by conservative columnist Robert Novak in mid-July 2003.
Nothing to see here, move along.

Reminds me of what OJ said (approximately) when he entered his plea - - something about "I'm 100% NOT GUILTY!". Kind of the 'grand-denial ploy' - - just deny/deny/deny, no matter HOW convincing or incontrovertible the evidence is. It's an offspring of the 'big-lie', where a person in power tells such a HUGE lie* that his subjects believe it because they themselves would never have the gall to try to tell such a bold lie, so it MUST be true..
(*say, just a fantasy hypothetical, that there are WMD's in a country that has been virtually quarantined for 10 yrs after a war, and that country presents SUCH a threat to us from some 8,000 miles away that we have to invade it)
Big em, that's fair, and there's a lesson here.
It is a ruthless world, full of cheaters, charlatans, criminals, idiots, parasites, big mouths and opportunists.
Unfortunately there is also a downside.
Appears that Chaney was pre-briefed by Attorney General "I don't recall anything" Gonzales.
Chainy is a real life monster who should be tried and put to death for mass murders, treason and various sundry other atrocities. PERIOD. That he's allowed to walk free and actually perform in the media is an international embarrassment on the global stage on a galactic scale.
you're telling me that out of 6 billion= or so people on this planet there are NO functional and efficient assassins.......?
of course this comment is all made in a joking manner, just "kidding",
you know.........
"ha ha"
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