October 26, 2009


Well, let's see...
It seems the gov'mint can't just get H1N1 VAC'S here fast enough and now there's all a national emergency declared by Obi and everyone is supposed to be panicked and clamoring for the vaccines which have been delayed.

How about "When I can trust lettuce and fucking peanut butter, come back and we'll talk, but even THEN, probably NOT!!!!!"..re this from the LATimes on the 22nd:

"............. comes word from a new ABC News/Washington Post poll that almost four parents out of 10 do not believe the vaccine is safe and have no intention of allowing their children to receive it."

I'm just not loving what is looking like a GRRRREAT DEAL of over coziness (MORE than akin to outright in bedness) between our White House and Big Pharma............. There is no trust here for those particular BFF's.

Now, flu shots have always made ME sick anyway, and I DO acknowledge that that is not everyone's experience with them.... BUT

Even if that were not my individual case story, just a big ol' NO THE FUCK THANKS to the newest concoctions being mass manufactured somewhere overseas in bird eggs and then shipped here to be "squirt" up my nose.

I've doubled down on vitamins, minerals, Fish Oil, and hand wash and am staying far away as possible from crowds and gaggles of little kiddles, all I can.........

But trusting enough to actually take this chit when it finally DOES get here, well, just ain't gonna happen with me OR my family, move on down the road with that one please!

post script: if ya google pics of the H1N1, you'll find it WOULD make a pretty fun to make and easy and creative Halloween costume........ just sayin'.


Lex Alexander said...

With all due respect, Siri, you might want to rethink this position.

The U.S. government has been making flu vaccine (and contracting with private manufacturers) every year for decades. Every year, there are some complications. Most of them minor. But as severe and as numerous as they might be, they don't come anywhere near being the public-health hazard that plain ol' seasonal flu is. That anodyne disease kills 35,000 Americans every year and hospitalizes another 200,000.

The injectable H1N1 vaccine is being made the same way flu vaccine has always been made. (The nasal variety has less of a history, so there's less basis for confidence in it.) I think in the big picture you're probably better getting the vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Ditto the above. I'm tired of the hysteria over the vaccine. It was not "rushed" to market. It does not contain adjuvants. The injected form (with a dead virus) cannot give you the flu. Etc. Etc. Etc. Parents who don't trust vaccines didn't live through a time when some of these diseases killed their kids, made them deaf, or, in the case of rubella, caused pregnant women to miscarry or disabled their kids for life.

Big Pharma isn't your friend, but they've been doing these vaccines for 60 years, and I think they've got it down by now.

Jim said...

Third. I am pro-science. I have a biology degree and am applying to medical school.

I've heard Bill Maher flatly state that no vaccine has ever worked; evidently he simply doesn't believe in the immune system. I wonder if he realizes that antibody labeling, which lets you tag proteins and make them glow so that you can see where they are under a microscope, IS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT GIVING A GODDAMN FUCKING VACCINE TO AN ANIMAL SO THAT YOU GET THE ANTIBODIES IN THE FIRST PLACE? You literally vaccinate them with whatever protein you're looking for, along with one of those spooky adjuvants full of cancer and death and mercury and cyanide and rat poison, and -- like magic! -- they make antibodies. There have been Nobel Prizes awarded based on the use of this technique, and then dumbshits like Maher just say... it's not real? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Sorry but I am getting really really discouraged by the fact that people no longer respect science, which is just the name we give to pretty much all the collected logic and reason of the human race. If you think that vaccines cause X then you should compare two groups of people, one with the vaccine and one without, and see who has a higher rate of X. For almost any X you care to name (autism, of course, is the favorite) there is no such effect. If you think that the new flu vaccine is somehow way the fuck different from all of the old ones, then you're simply wrong. It's like saying that your car's transmission will go out if you put in blue headlights.

catherine said...

I agree with the above comments. I am not in one of the targeted groups so I am not being vaccinated, not because I am scared of it but because I think others could use it more than me and there is a limited supply. But if you are someone who comes in contact with people at risk - like young infants, pregnant women, kids, people with bad immune systems - you should be vaccinated for their safety. And all health care professionals should be vaccinated.

big em said...

Based on articles like this* -- and my own personal experience -- I've come to believe that the vaccine FOR THE FLU is of no real significance. Vaccines work for other dread diseases, but don't seem to have much effect -- especially in healthy adults -- in preventing the flu. My personal experience has been as you noted Siri -- washing ones hands often, getting good sleep and maintaining a generally healthy lifestyle seem to work as well or better than a vaccine. I'm not anti-science and I'm not into 'alternative' medicine, but I'm not into cultural hysteria either.

(* http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200911/brownlee-h1n1# OR just Google with "flu vaccine>effectivity rates" and there are numerous articles by respectable sources)

PS 'Jim' - the Atlantic article (and the numerous others) is based on researchers and people (MD's, PHDs, etc) who ARE very medical- science oriented, so it can't be dismissed as simply the flippant remark of a standup comedian. And perhaps younger individuals like yourself don't recall the 1976 swine flu hysteria where the vaccine was widely attributed -- even within the medical literature -- to have resulted in MORE deaths/paralysis than the actual swine flu in the US.

Anonymous said...

I read the article in The Atlantic. One study does not truth make. If there is anything to it, we'll find out after a few more. In the meantime, good hygiene is always a good idea. So is rest and proper nutrition. And so are vaccines.

As for the '76 vaccine, it may have been caused by bacterial contaminant in the eggs used to grow the virus. It hasn't happened again, and really shouldn't be a concern.

siri said...

intelligent and thoughtful discussion, all!

i'm sayin' that until the powers that be get lettuce right, do NOT talk to ME (only me here point!) about getting into my blood over anything.

thasssalllll folks.

Anonymous said...

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