October 21, 2009

Party of No hits new new lows

According to the new Wa Poo/ABC News poll, a majority of Americans are Mao- and Hitler-loving socialists who hate America:

Just 20% of Americans nationally identified themselves as brainless, drooling troglodytes – ummm, republicans, the lowest that number has been since 1983. In contrast, Democrats are at 33% and independents are at 42%.

Brutal finding: "Less than one in five voters (19%) expressed confidence in republicans' ability to make the right decisions for America's future while a whopping 79% lacked that confidence."

1 comment:

thesmoots said...

This is funny stuff. With 20% of Americans thinking that the rethuglicans can successfully run the government and over 40% believing in creationism and not believing in global warming (probably the same putzes) we can be sure of one thing - if stupidity paid cash we'd have a middle class again.