Wehhh. The rightwingnuts are all pissy-assed outraged that the porculant POS was misquoted and his comments aired on the news. Yeah, tell it to Al “I invented the internet” Gore, Howard “Yearrrrrgh!” Dean, and pretty much anyone else with a ‘D’ after their name.
Here’s just one of them, towndump.com’s Douglas MacKinnon, before the shitcanning, with “what is happening to rush Limbaugh matters!1!!!11!” They’re all pretty much like this:
It appears that the purveyors of political correctness and the ignorant or hate-filled on the far-left are about to exact their revenge against Rush Limbaugh. With the majority of the liberal mainstream media in their enraged and partisan corner, they are about to browbeat, threaten and even blackmail the required number of cowardly NFL owners needed to reject Limbaugh’s bid to purchase the St. Louis Rams.And by “the ignorant or hate-filled on the far-left” he should mean “the bigoted comments coming out of Limbaugh’s own fuckingly disgusting mouth.”
I comment on length about this very issue on my sports blog. If any WTF readers would like to read it, please go to "The Sandlot" at http://sandmansports.blogspot.com
I love how they adjectives they choose to (falsely) describe the left, actually describe themselves. Must be a Freudian thing, something to do with self-loathing perhaps.
AWQM - yeah, some of it's 'projection', right out of Psych 101. There, one of the classic examples was the closest gay/homosexual guy who doesn't want to face-up to his own sexuality, so he unconsciously projects his homosexuality onto others even when most people wouldn't perceive a situation that way. I think that a good case could be made that there's at least some of this going on in the Reich-wingers -- they want to have good self-images and don't want to admit that they're doing some of these negative behaviors, so they project them onto the left. But of course there's also just a lot of CONSCIOUS propagandizing/politicizing/grandstanding, playground-debating, where you just attack/attack/attack - - just throw as much shit at somebody and hope that casual bystanders ('independent' voters, in this analogy) will think that "SOME of what he's saying MUST be true!"..
Yeah, and it works big em. Just look at how the health care debate has gone, in particular the seniors who got fooled into believing bullshit lies screamed their way for months.
Yeah smoots, it's a BIG price for people like these seniors to pay for being too naively impressed by a loud blustery manner of the Reich-wingers. If it ended there, it would be unfortunate enough, but the trouble is that this provides enough spectacle for the MSM to grab it and -- portrayed through a false sense of 'balance' -- present this as just two equally justified sides of an argument.. just a 'he-said/she-said' type of argument. (In reality, it's more like a scientist arguing against a flat-earth believer, or a historian arguing against a holocaust denier - - they AREN'T equally 'balanced' arguments.) That in turn leads to a right-wing stalemate (recall Newt Gingrich & pals near shutdown of the US government back in the mid-90's) little or no progress on the issue -- health care in this instance. It's a sad political dynamic.
Doug McCrybaby writes: It appears that the purveyors of political correctness and the ignorant or hate-filled on the far-left are about to exact their revenge against Rush Limbaugh
Yeah, 'cause those dirty fucking tree-hugging hippies totally own the pro football scene, man.
You all catch the 'We are Rush Limbaugh tonight' thing? Thought I'd match it, best I can, because it's so freaking insane. He got burned for all the crappy, racist things he said, period. No mystery. How they turn a millionaire's failed business deal into the Holocaust is a sight.
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