October 15, 2009

Say Whaaaaaaat?????

There is much hub bub on the intratubes about the stock market hitting 10,000 and how suddenly the Dow has nothing to do with who is President when it is rising, as opposed to all of Lower Reichwingnuttia blaming Hussein Obama when it was down. Typical and whatfucking ever. But the fairly imbalanced screechers have a unique take on the rising stock market, and it's a doozy.
I shit you not, ladies and gentlemen, according to Fox Spews, what we are witnessing is to be known as The 'Bush recovery'

“What was once the Bush recession is now the Bush recovery,” asks Cavuto, “or is that a stretch?”
Teabagger brains set to explode across the nation as they try to process the self-contradicting rationalizations.
Whatever drugs these sub-humanoid carbon-based units are on, I don't want.


Beaverboy said...

And for his next trick, Bush will finish off al Qaeda and win the War O' Terror.

Then after we're all dead, history will claim him to be the greatest President/brush clearer ever.

Really, take my word for it.

Have I ever kidded you?

thesmoots said...

I can't wrap my brain around this, I just can't. I'm with the lib on this, must be the drugs.

big em said...

Don't worry, when the market goes down again (tomorrow...next week...next month - - whenever) THEN it'll be HUSSEIN (obama)'s fault again at Fox Noise Nutworks.

Anonymous said...

December, big em. It will croak again in a big way in December.
you heard it here first.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

The only recovery that has any chance of being associated with Bush is his own if he ever enters an alcohol and drug recovery program. Wpuldn't bet much money on that one either.