October 30, 2009

Yet even MORE proof that Joe Lie-berman is a world-class douche who needs a good, world-class reaming

And not in a good way.

Liberman says he's against the public option because he's worried about increasing the national debt. Something he seemed unconcerned about when he forced the Navy to buy a $2 billion submarine they didn't want.
-- headline from fark. Actual story here and here.


big em said...

Boy, if ANYONE is STILL falling for these conservatives (and yes, for the most part, Lieberman HAS -- for all intents & purposes -- become a conservative) 'convenient concerns' about being worried about government spending, then they are just NOT keeping score of the MASSIVE record-setting budget deficits that are rolled up by the Repukes whenever they take office! (A good, readable book on this general subject is "The Wrecking Crew" by Thomas Frank)

Distributorcap said...

how about the fact that douchebag lieberman was for a public option before he was against it