November 5, 2009

An attention Craving Douchebag Walks into a Bar.....

10 jokes about Joe Lieberman and his filibuster threat

Joe Lieberman is on a lifeboat with a young woman who was denied insurance coverage because she was raped, a middle-class guy who can’t afford his premiums, and a sickly child. He stabs them all in the back.

What do you get when you cross Joe Lieberman with a frog? A fascinating, frog-voiced lump of wrinkles whose blood runs cold with reptilian contempt for those in need. And a frog.

1 comment:

2006 said...

Q: How many "Independent Democrats" does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: None, they're all too busy bitching about Ned Lamont's entry into the Democratic primary