The corpulent junkie: "We could almost say this is Obama's fault, because this guy said that he believed Obama was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan."
Hmmmmm. We could also almost say this is Alexander the Great's fault, because he did such a crappy job of conquering Iraq and Afghanistan.
Or we could almost say this is GW Bush's fault, because Bush got us into Iraq and Afghanistan.
We could almost say this is the shooter's fault, because this guy is a total freaking nutjob.
We could almost say this is Rush Limbaugh’s fault, because he promulgates hatred toward Obama, Muslims.
We could almost say this is the psychic down the road's fault, because she never saw this coming.
We could almost say this is my magic rock's fault, because it did nothing to stop this.
According to Rush, it is Obama’s fault that a mentally unstable man shot 43 people last week. It is pretty safe to say that his upcoming deployment was not the only reason why this man decided to go on a shooting. However, Limbaugh’s Obama paranoia knows no boundaries. It is only a matter of time before Limbaugh starts blaming Obama for the weather.No, he’s got Al Gore for that.

1 comment:
Is there a double GO FUCK YOURSELF?
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