When Buchenwald survivor Elie Wiesel criticized a teabagger’s sign showing dead bodies from Dachau as ‘indecent and disgusting,’ compassionate conservatards condemned said sign and apologized if it offended anyone.
Just kidding: they attacked Mr Wiesel as an Obama-appeasing, freedom-hating communist woman, who should clam up and accept the fact that [s]he’s in a ‘Chritian’ country. A sample:
This hollowcost thing is totally overblown by the jewish.You’ve GOT to be fucking kidding. Good GOD.
Elie Wiesel: Newest, most current tool of the sick, perverted, racist, anti-semetic Democrap party. Have you no shame Democraps?

The crazy train threw them off because they were too crazy. Nothing else could explain such abhorrent behavior. Disgusting.
Reading the comments in the link, I'm once again struck by the thoughts that:
1.)Reich-wingers feel that the only 'true' Jews are those who (like themselves) believe in an aggressive/violent approach to the Arab world -- all the rest are 'anti-Semitic self-hating Jews' who are analogous to we 'anti-American Americans'.
2.) Misspelling (even relatively easy, common words) is somehow a badge of honor -- an 'act of authenticity' perhaps? - - among the Reich-wingers.
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