December 11, 2009

Repuke family values and the sanctity of marriage

Governor of South Carolina leaves to spend more time hiking the Appalachian Trail with his Argentine mistress.

Leaves his family:

The wife of adulterous a-hole Mark Sanford (R) announced Friday morning she is filing for divorce, saying in a statement that she decided to dissolve her 20-year marriage after "many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation" with that horny, shriveled faithless bastard.
Why does Gov/scumbag Mark Sanford hate Christmas, Republicans?

** snicker **


big em said...

"...leaves to spend more time hiking the Appalachian Trail with his Argentine mistress." - - I'm still snickering over that one Maru!

Lisa G. said...

Good for her - she's the one with the brains in that family anyway. I can't wait to see what her book says. And him, well, he's just a Repub douche. What a dumbass!

Distributorcap said...

meanwhile he still has a job, as does vitter - but eliot spitzer, not so lucky