Old and busted: visiting ACORN as a pimp and prostitute.
New hotness: using the repuke voters database to stalk women:
More misconduct has been alleged against Arizona Republican Party executive director Brett Mecum, who is now the subject of a criminal complaint alleging he used the Republican's voter database to stalk a young female graduate student...Of course, the RNC is standing behind their man. Just far enuff back that it doesn't look gay.
None of the women were willing to speak on the record. Some were afraid of Mecum. Others were afraid of hurting the party. Each, for her own reasons, was afraid to speak out. In fact, the only woman who feels safe enough to file a formal complaint against Mecum did so as she was moving out of state.

Me-Cum??! LOL
I know, what a hoot! lolol
"Me Tarzan."
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