January 5, 2010

Limbaugh’s rush to stupidity, drugs, Dominican boys


A World Quite Mad said...

When he gets the $1000+ bill from the Emergency Room, he won't have any problem paying it since he makes 33 million a year, and can afford health insurance.

He's a fucking self-centered, ignorant bastard, that he can't see that not everyone can afford to pay that, especially if they don't have insurance. For some people, the bill from the ER can be equivalent to at least a month's pay if not more.

thesmoots said...

at least. I'm suffering thru the 2yr wait for medicare after being disabled and with 2 "visits" the bill is more than I can ever pay, and that's just 2yrs after the medical bankruptcy. So yeah, we need to work on our healthcare system, damn republicans.