At the urging of President Obama, that epitome of responsibility and compassion, George Wuhhh Bush, will get off his lazy fucking keister and join former president Bill Clinton to help lead the US relief effort for earthquake-devastated Haiti.
Because we all remember how well that worked the last timeā¦

Haven't the conservatards in this country fucked the Haitian people enough already?!?
Get a life! Bush has no influence on Seismic activity. I suggest that if you don't have any respect for the vast majority of Americans who are Conservative (see several recent polls) then go back to Haiti and live among true Democrats.
Anonymous, or should I say IDIOT, no one blamed the Shrub for having influence on Seismic activity. Go read at the link I posted. Money hungry businessmen (conservatives), and crooked politicians (Richard Nixon, an ultra-conservative) have destroyed any chance the Haitian people have of standing on their own.
I supplied a link, you need to supply one backing up your statement. And by that I don't mean FOX, Rasmussen, or the WSJ.
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