I can’t believe how people can be so fucking stupid. Oooooh, Obama didn’t fix in one year those eight years of Bush/Cheney mismanagement and gross assfuckery! Let’s vote in another rethuglican! They’re only the ones who helped cause this problem in the first place!
Jeebus Christ on a unicycle. Yeah, let’s send the President a message! Vote in the same fucking morons that got us into this mess! Oooh, we didn’t like Croakley’s campaign style – Brown’s was so much more shiny! He’s GOT to be the better candidate!
Good jorb, twats.
In more jerkwad news, Brown hopes Dems don't treat him like his party treated Al Franken.
January 20, 2010
Sweet merciful crap
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1/20/2010 04:11:00 PM
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Brad at Sadly, No! called it: "People will support you if they see that you’re making their lives better. If you don’t do that, then they’ll get pissed and vote for whatever else is around."
I ain't arguing that it's logical or rational, but it as elegant as, and more concise than, any other explanation of American voter behavior I saw, heard or came up with on my own in the last 40+ years.
And, as Brad observes, in our Two and Only Two Party System, "And guess what? 'Whatever else is around' is, sadly, the goddamn GOP."
Right. I see the Dems caving into not investigating war crimes of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and trying to make up for it with and expanded Pentagon budget, a surge in areas we can't win and to spread Bible inscribed rifle scopes. I see no real (single payer) progress on health care(care - not insurance), no real progress on fighting for the people against entrenched interests in the financial industry, insurance - especially health, consumer protection, job outsourcing, breaking unions and more. We, the people are being raped and no one from any party is protecting us.
It might be cutting of its nose to spite its face but we the people are trying to get the attention of the people who supposedly went to DC to represent US.
Barack hasn't done a damn thing except cater to corporations, blown Billy Tauzin, and sucked up to republicans when liberals put him into office,and lied like so many of his predecessors, but its not his lack of action so much as the prostitutes who make up the senate. We have been given nothing, corporations still get to act with impunity, and now the SC says that corporations can buy elections...whats the fucking point.
You misread the situtation. If there is anything Obama should have learned from Clinton, it is get it done in the first 100 days or it will be delayed to death. But no, Obama did not lead and the Senate acted like it had all the time in the world.
Dems proved again they can not govern. Reps are corrupt war-mongers?
Where does that leave me? Out of politics, I guess.
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