February 5, 2010

Obama calls out conservative “Democrats” for their pansyass bullshit

When pithed noodlehead Blanche Lincoln chirped from her Disneyesque fantasy world that Dems not only need to reach out to republicans, but “push back in our own party and look for the common ground,” the President had a major facepalm moment:

PREZ OBAMA: "OMFG. I can’t fucking believe you’re saying we should adopt the exact same proposals that were in place for eight years leading up to the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Jesus. We don't tinker with health care, let the insurance companies do what they want, we don't put in place any insurance reforms, we don't mess with the banks, let them keep on doing what they're doing now because we don't want to stir up Wall Street -- the result is going to be the same. I don't know why we would expect a different outcome pursuing the exact same policy that got us into this fix in the first place. Good gravy. Just wtf is wrong with you, you fucking moron?"
Well, mostly.

Above: Congressional Dems caucus on health care.


jadedj said...

Wow. He keeps this good shit up, I'm voting for him again!

big em said...

He should'a started that talk the day after his inauguration! Yeah the Repukes would have claimed be wasn't being 'bi-partisan', but all he would've had to do would've been to point to the bi-partisanship that Bill Clinton got as good enough reason for not bothering with their bullshit.

The only thing I might question in his response were the lines about "...let them keep on doing what they're doing ... the result is going to be the same." I suspect the results might well be WORSE, potentially a collapse of a major part of the banking system, and 30+% unemployment like the Great Depression.