February 8, 2010

Palin's campaign against retards doesn’t include Limbaugh

After the retarded story flashed all over the web last week, the pitbull barracuda’s spokesperson actually called the corpulent ahole "sort of in a panic" to reassure him they didn’t mean him. How mavericky.

PALIN: I didn’t hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with ‘f-ing retards’ and we did know that Rahm Emanuel has been reported, did say that. There is a big difference there, you betcha. I mean, Rush is a fellow republican and this Rahm fella is an evil homofrancosocialist lieberal who eats Christian babies while performing abortions. It’s been reported so we know its true.
In other words, Sarah Palin ‘agrees with Rush that liberals are retards.’


gordona said...

I love that photo.

Jesus' General this morning had this comment:

After watching all the recent coverage of Sarah Palin and the public and private use of the word "retard" as a pejorative, I decided to go to the top for an answer: I asked God to explain the difference between Down Syndrome and Mental Retardation. God was kind enough to send me an email in response to my query, about 1/20th of a second after I asked for it. If God ever opened up a restaurant you wouldn't be sitting around, wondering where your food is. It would be in front of you before you could say jumping jehosaphat. That is one fast deity, no doubt about it. Here is God's response:

Dear Child Born of Sin

Down Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. Trig Palin, the son of Sarah Palin, has Down Syndrome.

Sarah Palin differs from her son in that she suffers from Mental Retardation which for her is a plus. She is able to condemn the usage of the word "retard" if the person using it has different politics than she does, but can actually defend its usage if the person uttering the word is important on her side of the aisle.

To sum up: Sarah Palin's son Trig has Down Syndrome. Sarah Palin herself has gone Full Retard. Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using the word "retarded" and Rush Limbaugh is just okey-dokey-peachy-keen, no matter what he does. Rush is that good.

Glad I could clear that up for you.



p.s. Sorry about the chromosome problem vis a vis Down Syndrom--I mostly do it to the fetuses of older women anyway. Who would have thought people would be living so long? When I created...oh, shit, here come the wife. Gotta go.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

The sad thing is the fact that Rahm agrees with Rush that us liberals are retarded. Fucking worthless piece of DLC shit.