April 24, 2010


Teabagger favorite under federal investigation.

Now that Republicans have made him the U.S. Senate front-runner, Marco Rubio is trying to weather potentially damaging revelations about his credit card use, double billing for airfare and murky finances.

A few months ago, the former Florida House speaker seemed an unlikely bet to beat Gov. Charlie Crist in the party's Senate primary. And in those months, Rubio's lavish spending has come under scrutiny of federal investigators.

Spending by Rubio and other GOP officials who cast themselves as fiscal conservatives opens them to charges of hypocrisy in a state hard hit by the recession. Florida's unemployment rate was 12.3 percent in March, above the national average, and home foreclosures are widespread.

Among the expenditures that have been called into question: a $134 charge at a men's salon in Miami; hotel rooms for a family get-together; and purchases at a wine store.
... repairs to Rubio's family minivan, grocery bills, and plane tickets for his wife.

But... but... Charlie Crist is a RINO!!!