The party of race-baiting, homophobic, religious bigots, anti-science, anti-education, hate spewing fanatics is making sure that the Islamosocialist takeover of America is cumming to a grinding halt!
After one-on-one with Obama, McConnell vows to slow White House agendaAnd no more cooperation from Rushthuglibots too! How long, I say, how long must this bullllllshit go on? Gwad these sub-humanoid carbon based life-forms annoy me, yet they amuse me with their simplistic ways.

What I want to know is how this would be any different from now. Screw 'em.
No shit. Their obstructionism is painfully obvious, yet nobody seems to mention it much, especially the "liberal media."
And recall -- before 2008 -- how those Repuke assholes were pushing to get rid of the filibuster when they had a majority in the Senate? The hypocrisy/double-standard is SO fucking obvious to ANYBODY who is honestly presented with the info, that you can see why the Repukes have to essentially 'kill the messenger' and get the MSM cowed into NOT pointing this out. Jon Stewart/The Daily Show is one of the few 'mainstream' places on TV that does it, showing how easily it can be accomplished.
The scary part is that these assholes will convince far too many uninformed voters that theirs is the better "idea" (if by "Idea" you mean demonstrably catastrophic policies which drove the country off a cliff). And we're not even talking about the Teabaggers......
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Kencing Nanah Ampuh
Obat Kelamin Keluar Nanah
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Wanita
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Ibu Hamil
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
Gejala Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah Pria
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