In an attempt to demonstrate to America that the Rushthuglibot party is the party of grown ups, the RNC helps the sheeple Send the Muslim Socialist President a Birthday card.
In a reference to two very recent Democratic ethics cases in the House of Representatives, a card featuring an image of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says "What do you give the guy who has everything? How about Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters? Hugs and Kisses!"Yup, the Republicans once again display their lack of class. We love you for your grace, charm and tact.
The card featuring Vice President Joe Biden is tied to Biden's history of making verbal gaffes. "For your birthday, you won't hear a f@#&ing peep out of me."
The mock card from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid takes issue with Democrats' approach to the economy. "Sorry no gift this year. I'm going to need every dime to defend our failed economic policies."
So in the words of one of your deities, the vampire without a pulse, GO FUCK YOURSELVES.

1 comment:
"vampire without a pulse" - - love it!
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