September 23, 2010

Bullshit Fatigue

Dems Punt On Tax Cut Vote

Corporacrats. Fuck them all. A neutered cat has more balls than the current crop of Dems in the Senate. VOTE FOR US BECAUSE WE SUCK LESS is not gonna cut it anymore.
I didn't vote for "suck less." I voted for "Change." And can't even get spare change. So voting to extend middle class tax cuts is considered "risky" by these pants-wetting fools? You have to be a special kind of stupid to think that voting for tax cuts for the middle class makes you politically vulnerable before an election. If they're that fucking stupid, it's only a matter of time before they stick their tongues into a light bulb socket or wander into traffic. Spineless motherfuckers can't even broadcast a simple but powerful message:

Low taxes for you, higher taxes for millionaires.

Are Dems trying to lose seats intentionally? I mean really. Stand for something, for God's sake.
When the Democrats LOSE in a month, don't blame us the voters. They have no one else but themselves to blame.
The Dems just don't play hardball or any kind of ball - they are the republicans' squeak toys.
Quiz time:
What's 535 out of 300 million?

I'll tell you two things it isn't: It's not representative and it sure as hell ain't democracy. Democracy is dead. Long live the corporatocracy. And bend over just a little more....good things will trickle down to you soon.

Well we're still waiting!!!!


Big Em said...

On the one hand, it appears the Dems are being 'too clever by half', trying to triangulate the liberal/left parts of their constituents, while trying to appeal to the ever-vacillating 'independents' (who are probably primarily people who don't want to even follow politics on anything but a self-centered/'whats-in-it-for-me' level), who are only captured by scam-level economics (lotto, NAFTA/CAFTA, Wal-mart, 'free-market' policies. But underlying all of this is an electorate who IS easily swayed by facile television commercials for candidates, for whom the 'Southern strategy' WORKS, or whom won't even bother to vote. Though it sounds too simple, the basic fact is that - - - IF just a significant segment (ie; 20 or 30% ) of the US voters voted for honest, progressive candidates, after two or three election cycles most of the 'rotten apples' would be gone. But, to parphrase Tom Petty, people love to 'revel in their abandon' and vote for the Ronald Reagans/GW Bushs/Richard Nixons, while defeating relatively honest politicians. Remember George McGovern? He lost all but two states to NIXON - - fucking NIXON! (Sorry, but I STILL can't believe it, even 38 yrs on....) The Dems and their handlers probably can't forget him either, as well as Dukakis, Mondale, and Gore - - all decent, capable politicians who tried (in various degrees) to be straightforward with people and what did it get them and the Dems? Defeat at the polls. A significant proportion of the electorate (like today's Tea Partiers) virtually DEMANDED that they be lied to (which the right-wing is always much more adept at doing, especially with their close relationship to the fundy religious nuts), so the political environment has evolved into the timid, over-calculating Dems that we see today. Sure, a big part of it is 'the media' and it's commercial bias (which is de facto a conservative bias), but a lot of that is a tabloid mentality public, who will turn off PBS and turn on Rush Limbaugh because he's "more entertaining" (or some similar bull-shit reason).

Yeah, I'll vote for the Dems as usual - - the Neanderthal right is TOO scary - - but it's just to slow the descent so that some of us survive the crash instead of a nose-dive that the Reich-wingers will take us down on. It's just triage politics now, bucko...

Anonymous said...

That's squeeker of the Mouse, Pullosi Punch who's still more furballsy than Judy Reid, who just ducked!

Anonymous said...

"..they are the republicans' squeak toys."

Great line. I'm going to steal it. And I'm not likely to give you credit for it, either.