November 1, 2010

OMG, its November already! Its not time for snow pictures yet, thank God. We still haven't had a frost here. The 4 o'clocks and nasturtiums are still blooming, which is pretty cool, and the catnip is thriving -- all the kittehs line up in anticipation whenever I open the back door. : )

I know, I know, I only post once a month now (heh), but the family situation just drains me. When I do get a break I spend it laying on the couch in a stupor. Plus the times I've had the news on its been so infuriating, the smug levels through the roof, that I'm really loathe to watch it again.

Well, enough of this blathering. Let's see what's going on in the internets!


Capt. Bat Guano said...

No worries Maru, you and yours comes first of course. It's just good to hear that you're hanging in there.

Big Em said...

Good luck with the family problems. I feel like you do about politics lately, and I don't have the turmoil at home like you do, so I sympathize with your fatigue/ennui...