February 28, 2011

Just Take it All.

After decades of forcing through tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, again and again Republicans are going all in promoting the bullshit that there is a deficit crisis.
Here is how it works:

1) Cut taxes for the rich and corporations (corporate stock is mostly owned by the top 1%); big deficits result.
2) Claim a deficit emergency and use their domination of corporate-owned media to whip the public into a panic, creating the appearance of demand for corporate-approved "solutions." Manipulate the appearance of consensus.
3) With taxes and military “off the table” push through cuts in the things government does for We, the People.

Repeat as often as needed to create a plutocracy.

Today's "debt crisis" is the culmination of the long-term "starve the beast" strategy from an organized corporate-conservative movement. By cutting taxes for the wealthy they have starved the government, created massive debt (guess where the interest payments go).

Ain't Capitalism grand?


Big Em said...

Egg-zackly UL ! Another good place to read about this shitty (but unfortunately successful) strategy is in Thomas Frank's book, "The Wrecking Crew" from several years ago.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

So, when do we start the purge of these parasitic sub-humans?

Undeniable Liberal said...

These parasitic sub-humanoid life forms that infest this planet must be sterilized.