February 2, 2011

Length Without Girth.......

Socialist President's economic guru says that job creation will pick up as soon as growth occurs. you know, because the Corporatocracy is not earning enough.
Because a rising stock market and sitting on $2 TRILLION in profits is not enough growth.
There are pills for that.


BIg Em said...

Ah, the culmination of 'supply-side' economics - - - focus on making the suppliers (ie; corporations/businesses) happy/profitable and THAT will solve all our economic problems, including unemployment, inflation, trade deficits, etc. It's now clear to any sane individuals that it was never anything but a transparent ruse to switch the focus from the 'demand' side of the equation (workers/buyers) to the greed-side for short term economic & political gain for a narrow segment of US society. Even during the Reagan era when this crapola started, his advisor Stockman candidly admitted that essentially it was a lot of crapola (he couched it in the term "red ink" as far as the eye could see, or something like that). But it appealed to a strong greedy streak that runs through this country's history, so a lot of suckers bought it, and here we are!

Anonymous said...

Simply strings US along.