July 19, 2012


I DO believe we've been adequately ADDRESSED to the very limits tolerable by fakeQueen Anne, of a Thousand Paydaaz. We been TOLD! High falutin BEYOCH climbed down from her CUNT PERCH and ACTUALLY SPOKE to "the little people", otherwise known as ABC News, wherein Her Highest Colonic INFORMED us that The ROYAL "THEY" (meaning HRH and her constant and perpetual related's and entourage) have indulged us far more than warranted and to the actual maximum, please step lightly aside and be so far away as to not even come close to catching a whiff of her 36 carrot ass in the perfumed winds of the Planet Romney, where ruling is simply the only AND best way of keeping the unwashed masses at bay!

Madame Cuntly said to ABC news anchor Robin Roberts "We've dealt far more than could ever be expected with "the little people" and now must focus on washing and cleansing and praying our way out of the disgusting tarnish of doing so".

Yep! King and Queen Romney are showing just EXACTLY HOW their ruling of this (used to be a pretty damned nice country) their Kingdom shall be!

Then again, maybe that will be the last straw I thought Telecom Immunity was going to be.