March 26, 2002

David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz said his dog told him to kill all those people. Where do you think he found a dog like that? My dog only tells me to feed her, and occasionally to set fire to something.

(Kim Fuller,

Thank you, Mr Blowhard:

"Whether or not Vice President Cheney dashes back to the Middle East to parlay with Arafat, president Bush's policy has become incoherent. This damage was done by saying the vice presidential dash would be made if Arafat would recite (in Arabic; we are quite stern) a perfunctory lie scripted by the United States -- yet another reiteration of his vow to abandon violence, which is the vocabulary of his life."

- - - Washington Post

on Les Nessman, and the Two-bit 'Texan' in the WH:

"...It's my suspicion that a great many people are so stunned by developments that their minds haven't quite wrapped themselves around the new reality - the resident of the White House more resembling Howdy Doody yet trying to act like John Wayne, every thin-shouldered twit on TV news acting like he's a veteran of Guadalcanal, while Dick Cheney emerges from his undisclosed location in the shadow government to promise global war without end. The moment is surreal, and we don't know how to get a handle on it; it's entirely unimaginable, yet entirely real. Once George W. Bush stole the presidency, it's as if the whole country followed him down the rabbit hole and now up is down, good is evil, and our most emblematic nature found its clearest expression in a twenty year old sitcom character." -- Kent Southard at BushWatch

*Opening pic: "Crystals", © M.Cox, Digital 3D

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