March 9, 2002

Geez, can't I start a day without seeing yet more proof of the hypocrisy and criminality of the repukelican party?!

Right-wing Media Fraud?!

David Vise, the author of a book on CIA mole Robert Hansenn, was caught ordering 17,000 copies of his own book (and trying to return them, which prolly happens a LOT when real people pick up these rightwingnut screeds - then they show up in piles on those $1 'bargain tables') -- in what looks basically like an effort to pump his work into the Times's all-important best-seller chart.

Check out the story at MWO, and see how many conservatives - the party of "morals", "values", "honor" and "dignity" - have once again shown their true colors (brown, mostly, and yellow). According to MWO, they've 'figured out a system to buy these ideologically far right tracts through mass sales precisely to rig the bestseller list. Why? Because then the big chains stock and feature the bestsellers prominently.'

Click on Media Whores Online and peruse The New York Times Phony Right-Wing Best-Seller Lists

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