March 15, 2002


Spotted a couple of pairs of bluebirds checking out the nest boxes in the backyard yesterday.

One of the damn dogs found the deer carcass this morning. I knew I should've dragged it into the state cop's yard. Now I'm going to have to cover it with something. Maybe parsley - the dogs hate that stuff.

The first groundhog of the year waddled across the grounds at work today.

The crocuses were blooming in my yard when I got home today!

The baby killies were all still alive this morning, thanks for asking.

Trent "Vacant" Lott has Hissy-fit, Head Explodes Like a Dan Burton Watermelon

Senate minority leader Trent "Terrible Toupee" Lott today threatened to retaliate against Democrats for defeating the promotion of one of Preznit Poopypants' nominees to a federal appeals court. "I'm not going to let go of it for a long time," said Lott, having a temper tantrum because the Senate Judiciary Committee killed the nomination of Judge Pickering of Mississippi to the U.S. Appeals Court in New Orleans.

In a fit of pique and with his fingers waggling at the sides of his head, Lott made farty-noises and announced he will block an aide of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle from getting on the Federal Communication Commission.

Daschle, in response, said that could backfire on the Idiot King's other nominees in the Democratic-controlled Senate. "I would think they would want our cooperation in moving other nominees," the South Dakota Democrat said. "Besides, everyone knows Trent Lott is a big fat sissy". (OK, that one's mine)

- - from Yahoo News

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