November 2, 2002

NRA Happily Sodomizes Very Soul Of Universe
The National Rifle Association and its crusty soul-curdling rifle-licking high-profile leader no one really likes Charlton Heston actually chose to openly degrade very soul of the universe and went ahead with a pro-gun rally in Tucson Wednesday, just two days after three university professors were gunned down by a flunking student who was also a gun collector and presumably an NRA fan and avid supporter because what depressed lonely gun-collecting moron doesn't love America's free and easy access to guns, not to mention the sheer soulless audacity and direct heartless insult and painful karmic sodomy of coming to a shocked and horrified town that just suffered a tragic gun-related tragedy to promote the gun cause and pump your clenched violent pro-gun fists and exclaim how everyone in the nation should own guns because then no one would shoot each other anymore because they'd be too afraid they'd get their own faces shot off? How cool would that be? Grunt sneer yay? - Mark Morford, SF Gate Morning Fix, via email.

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