November 2, 2002

The White House expressed support today for pathetic, lying, corporate whore/SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt, brushing aside pressure from Democrats and some Republicans for his removal.

"The president continues to have confidence in Harvey Pitt," White House spokes-tool Ari "the Liar" Fleischer lied.

The statement followed a Washington Post report that the White House was considering asking Pitt to resign or may wait and allow him to step down after the Nov. 5 congressional election. According to the Post, support for Pitt within the White House is deteriorating.

"Confidence in our economy depends upon us holding people to account if they're not honest with the people. That's the kind of leadership you need in Nashville and that's the kind of leadership you've got in Washington," Smirky McGolfcart laughingly told deluded bushmoonies on the campaign trail in Tennessee.

According to congressional sources, White House officials are considering a major reshuffling of Bush's economic team after the election.

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