January 24, 2003

"Colin Powell says if we do invade Iraq we won't be alone. We have the support of 100% of the world's major oil companies." - Leno.

U.S. Claim on Iraqi Nuclear Program Is Called Into Question
"As the U.N. inspections continue, some weapons experts said the aluminum tubes saga could undermine the credibility of claims about Iraq's arsenal. To date, the Bush administration has declined to release photos or other specific evidence to bolster its contention that Iraq is actively seeking to acquire new biological, chemical and nuclear arms, and the means to deliver them.

"'If the U.S. government puts out bad information it runs a risk of undermining the good information it possesses,' said David Albright, a former IAEA weapons inspector who has investigated Iraq's past nuclear programs extensively. 'In this case, I fear that the information was put out there for a short-term political goal: to convince people that Saddam Hussein is close to acquiring nuclear weapons.'"

Blogtopians were saying this months ago, but now it's official. The International Atomic Energy Agency will be presenting their report to the UN Security Council next week. - from the Washingtoon comPost. Like it'll make any difference.

"President Bush wants it very clear that the war with Iraq is not about oil. It's about gasoline." - Leno.

'war within weeks'
The Guardian is reporting this morning that Squinty McPipeline is determined to go to war with Saddam Hussein in the next few weeks, without UN backing if necessary, according to authoritative sources in Washington and London.

The Yellow Puddle of Texas is "to turn up the heat" in his state of the union address on Tuesday, but will not actually declare war until he puts pet Tony Blair through his hoops at Camp David next Friday.

"The pressure comes from pResident Bush and it is felt all the way down," a European official said. "They're talking about weeks, not months. Months is a banned word now."

"Bush says the Iraq situation is a rerun of a bad movie. Yeah, there's a Bush in the White House; the economy is going to hell, and we're going to war over oil." - Leno.

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