January 7, 2003

Dancing queen drops out of dem derby
Tom 'Isadora' Daschle (D-Eunuch) announced today that he's decided not to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, preferring to supinely "challenge" Smirky McGolfcart and the republicans from his barre post in the Senate than from the presidential campaign trail. Yeah, he's done a great job of it so far. Story from the Washingtoon comPost.

Who do we look like, Ken Lay?
"Taxes on my what?" said Ruth Farrington, contacted yesterday in the two-bedroom home she shares with her disabled, 87-year-old husband, David.
"Taxes on your stock dividends," she was told. "The president says this will correct an injustice in the tax code because ..."
She started to laugh. "No way do we own any stocks," she said. - Paul Vitello.

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