January 7, 2003

What a week already. Stuck at work all day yesterday, watching the snow fall. Come home, spend the rest of the evening shovelling out. While I'm shovelling it starts snowing again. Go in to feed the critters and find my last male zebra finch is dead. This morning I wake to another 2 inches of fresh snow, plus news that the refs blew the call in the last play of the Giants-49ers game and should have given the Giants another chance to kick the field goal. We're supposed to get another 1 - 3 inches of snow tonight. It's a good thing I don't work in a bar.

"Why does he want to drop bombs on innocent Iraqis?" Helen Thomas gives Ari 'the Liar' Fleischer agita here

CBS scrubbed pre-election airing of The Crooked E in blatant media bias: "CBS President Leslie Moonves and Entertainment President Nancy Tellem got cold feet as the November air date neared, growing uncomfortable at the prospect of appearing to criticize the Republican administration." - the Washington comPost.

"...the faithful laud our glorious leader's wisdom. For a variety of reasons, including the desire to avoid charges of liberal bias, most reporting is carefully hedged. And the public, reading only praise or he-said-she-said discussions, never grasps the fundamental disconnect between problem and policy." - Paul Krugman's An Irrelevant Proposal.

"Over the past few days, there has been just the smallest of hints that the American media – the biggest and most culpable backer of the White House's campaign of mendacity – has been, ever so timidly, asking a few questions." - Robert Fisk: 'The double standards, dubious morality and duplicity of this fight against terror.'

Help Tom 'Isadora' Daschle find his spine! For anyone getting the print version of Time magazine, flip to the back page of this week's issue.

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