February 4, 2003

And people wonder why I'm always so pissed off:

Harem girl
ABC News political commentator/hack Cokie Roberts has been named to resident Bush's Council on Service and Civic Participation. Stephen Koff writes: "Though ABC's Roberts provides analysis on subjects including Bush, an ABC News spokeswoman said the network gave its approval and saw no conflict of interest in her serving on the president's council." Roberts "has a very strong and distinguished track record of being an absolutely fair and objective observer and analyst," the spokeswoman said with a straight face. Well, if she was, you can kiss that goodbye. Karl and company won't keep her around if she strays from the WH line now. - the Cleveland Plain-Dealer.

le merde de la guerre
Colin Powell, in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, said that Baghdad was continuing to frustrate the work of the inspectors, who have been scouring Iraq since November but have yet to find proof of chemical, biological or nuclear arms, and, although there was still no "smoking gun," the world must recognize Iraq had flouted the will of the international community.

"Oh, right," a UN aide replied. "There's a good reason to obliterate a country. And speaking about flouting the will of the international community - the US seems to be doing just that, but no one's left even a flaming bag of dogpoop at Mr Powell's front door. Except, metaphorically, the French." - from Reuters. Mostly.

And don't even get me started on Michelle Goldberg's piece, Shock troops for Bush, in today's Salon. Yipes.

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